St Margaret's Church of England Primary School
Our History scheme is knowledge-based with the development of skills still placed at the heart of the subject. Further enhancement is achieved through community links, trips and educational visits. Each of these enhancements help to widen the children’s understanding of their place in the world, both within the locality, within the North West and more widely. Practical experiences allow the children to develop skills they would not otherwise be able to experience. The themes chosen for the scheme closely link to the values we hold as a Church of England school.
The scheme of work is ambitious in what we hope the children will gain through both knowledge acquisition and skills. The children will have a wider-reaching world perspective through topics based on a range of countries and significant figures. Due to the needs and background of our children, reading and vocabulary development will be a focal point of history teaching. The development of historical skills will directly impact on the skills the children will take on into later life including questioning, problem-solving, critical-thinking, resilience, public-speaking and curiosity. In history, end points have been planned for pupils to attain by the end of the year. The knowledge and skills needed to attain these end-points have been sequenced to ensure both aspects are cemented and then built upon each year. Some repetition has been included to ensure this retention.
History at St Margaret's
Pupil Views
"We went out and did bowling because we were learning about the old Alexandra Park. It was so fun." - Year 1 Pupil
"We've done the Tudors and Queen Elizabeth who were in the past. We liked the story of the two princes lost in the tower." - Year 2 Pupil
"I loved learning about the Ancient Egyptians and the Shang Dynasty because it is so interesting that they happened during the same time." - Year 3 Pupil
"I like how we learnt about the Minoans as the first Ancient Greeks and the wars that happened at this time. We learnt about how the Greeks knew the Romans before we learnt about the Romans." - Year 4 Pupil
"When we were doing the Anglo Saxons it was so fun because we learnt all about their weapons and how they could be used in their battles with the Vikings." - Year 5 Pupil
"I enjoyed learning about slavery and Harriet Tubman this year because it really shows how much the world has changed between then and today." - Year 6 Pupil
Please see our History Progression Ladder below:
Our curriculum is still being worked on so progression ladders may be updated/adapted