St Margaret's Church of England Primary School
Religious Education
At St Margaret's CE we follow the Manchester Agreed Syllabus. Our Religious Education curriculum is shaped around three areas- Believing, Expressing and Living. We follow a 'Big Question' approach to allow children to explore and learn. Children learn about religion with a focus on beliefs, teachings and sources, practices and ways of life and forms of expression. Pupils learn to communicate their knowledge and understanding using specialist vocabulary. The curriculum includes opportunities to identify and develop an understanding of ultimate questions and ethical issues. Children also learn from religion, this develops their ability to reflect on, and respond to, their own experiences and learning about religion. It develops children's skills of application, interpretation and evaluation of what they learn about religion, particularly questions of identity and belonging, meaning, purpose, truth, values and commitments, and communicating their responses.
Quotes from our children:
RE is my favourite lesson. I get to learn about God’s role and lots of different religions. I have learnt about prayer and how to be kind to God.
Year 1 child
In RE we made a fact file about Judaism. We found out why the dreidel is used and created our own mezuzah. We learnt about how God created the world and what is important to me, Muslims and Jewish people.
Year 2 child
RE is about learning about different religions. I like it because I learn about other people's beliefs and celebrations.
Year 3 child
RE is important because it teaches me to learn about different people's backgrounds and to respect them. It doesn't matter what people believe. I like to get to know about other people's religion, not just mine.
Year 4 child
RE at St Margaret's is amazing as we get to learn about many different religions. I used to attend a Catholic school but only learnt about Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs when I came here. I am thankful for the teaching here.
Year 5 child
I think it is important to learn about different religions and to share my own religion with others. I have had fun and have learnt how different people show their devotion to their faith.
Year 6 child