St Margaret's Church of England Primary School
Without exception, every child at St Margaret's CE is valued. We recognise that every child is unique, therefore we endeavour to empower our pupils and provide them with opportunities to develop and flourish irrespective of their individual learning difficulties. We are committed to discovering and supporting the individual potential of every child and we aim to provide teaching and learning experiences that are exciting and fulfilling experience for everyone at our school. This is done in consultation with the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Code of Practice (2014), The Equality Act (2010), The Children and Families Act (2014) and correlating school policies.
SENDCo - Saira Fazal
Contact through s.fazal@st-margarets.manchester.sch.uk
Inclusion Provision
In school we tailor support for children who require a personalised curriculum and environment in order to progress within school.
In addition, a team of learning mentors supports those pupils with social and emotional needs who may need some additional time during each day.
News For SEND Families From Manchester Local Offer
Click the link below to read the latest bulletin from Manchester City Council for SEND families.