St Margaret's Church of England Primary School
School Values
In relationship with St Margaret’s Church, The Diocese of Manchester and the wider community, the school takes care to thoughtfully nurture the promotion of spiritual values that reflect its richer culture, secular and religious intake. In practice, this means that everyone is given equality of opportunity, irrespective of race, culture, religion, gender class or ability.
Such an approach maximises and develops the strength of its Church of England foundation, namely to grow as an inclusive school community, where spiritual values of caring and respecting and achieving are promoted.
The school values are:
The school values drive collective worship and assemblies in school, sit alongside the school curriculum and support pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, including a focus on:
- Educating for wisdom, knowledge and skills: enabling discipline, confidence and delight in seeking wisdom and knowledge, and developing talents in all areas of life.
- Educating for hope and aspiration: enabling healing, repair and renewal, coping wisely when things go wrong, opening horizons and guiding people into ways of fulfilling them.
- Educating for community and living well together: a core focus on relationships, participation in communities and the qualities of character that enable people to flourish together.
- Educating for dignity and respect: the basic principle of respect for the value and preciousness of each person, treating each person as a unique individual of inherent worth.