Nursery admissions:
The nursery is able to accommodate 30 morning places, 30 afternoon places and 30 full time places. Children are admitted in the September or January after their third birthday. The criteria for allocating places are the same as the Local Authority (LA) for reception places.
School admissions:
Children are admitted into the Reception class via a single intake in September. Children whose fifth birthday falls between September 1st and the end of August start school in September.
The pupil admission number for each year group is 90.
All admissions for Reception through to year 6 are allocated by the Local Authority, not the school. You can visit the Local Authority website by clicking HERE Alternatively, you can download an application form from HERE - Please note that, once complete, this form should be sent to your LA.
It is essential that parents/carers complete the admission pack for a school place when received from the LA and return it to the LA by the date stated. This form must be completed and returned even if the child is a sibling and even if the child is already in our nursery.