PSHE Intent
Our PSHE scheme of work is knowledge-based but we have placed skills at the heart of PSHE. The scheme is enhanced by community projects and links and by trips and visits. We have developed six clear strands: financial, health, character, relationships and personal education and citizenship.
We have built a scheme of work that is ambitious but give our children a world perspective, for example, by incorporating the role of citizens around the world in social change. The needs of our children mean that we have made reading, language and vocabulary development to be key features of PSHE. The scheme has been designed and planned to give children the knowledge and skills that they need for later life such as: questioning, problem solving, freethinking, resilience, confidence, debating and presenting skills. We have planned end points for pupils to attain by the end of the topic and year and these are written as knowledge and key skills. These skills have been carefully sequenced to enable our children to know more and remember more. There is a degree of repetition to help pupils to retain knowledge and skills.
PSHE Progression Ladder
PSHE throughout our school
Here are some quotes from our children about PSHE:
"We learnt about all of the jobs at the garden centre like the cashiers and truck drivers. We interviewed people for jobs. I felt grown up." (Year 2 - Financial Education)
"We learnt about how UV rays damage our skin and how we need to protect our skin by using sun cream. This linked to the science curriculum. It's so you know about standards to keep yourself safe." (Year 3 - Keeping Safe)
"A country needs diversity for people to be part of a community. It gives us the understanding that it's good to be different and helps you believe in yourself. If everyone was the same life would be boring." (Year 5 - Diversity)
"We learnt about grief and that if someone dies, it's not always bad. You can speak to a trusted person so that it doesn't stay in your heart and so that you can express your feelings." (Year 6 - Managing Feelings)
Show Racism the Red Card Certificate
RHE curriculum content, policy and further support has been detailed below:
Since the introduction of the new RHE compulsory curriculum, our school has worked closely with school governors, parent governors, parent working groups and Healthy Schools in order to deliver a RHE curriculum that serves our school community and prepares our pupils for a changing, modern Britain. We have carried out a parent/carer survey, highlighted trends and concerns at annual parent sessions and openly shared and discussed the curriculum content. We have ensured that we have provided the support to parents/carers that has been requested.
PSHE Progression Ladder
RHE Policy
RHE in our school
Healthy School Special Commendation Award for Parental Engagement
Our school has been nominated for a special commendation award for parental engagement and we were part of the Healthy Schools Ceremony in July 2022. This special commendation is in recognition of our engagement with parents in relation to the guidelines set out in the National Curriculum for RHE.
Parent/Carer Video:
SRE Video.mp4
Further support and information for parents/carers is available on the following websites:
Request RHE teaching materials
If you would like to request the RHE materials please complete the form below stating which year group you are requesting materials for.