Spring 1
Our Learning in Spring 1
This half term we will be enjoying lots of interesting topics.
We will follow on from our Bronze Age to Iron Age topic to begin learning about the Ancient Egyptians in history. We will understand when and where Ancient Egypt occurred and learn about famous pharaohs and their gods and goddesses.
We will link this to art by studying the art and architecture of Ancient Egypt. Excitingly, we will be designing our own sarcophagus. Also, in design technology, we will construct a pyramid using computer-aided design (CAD) software.
In geography, we will be blown away by our topic of climate. We will learn about the planet's four climate zones and what the climate is like there.
As musicians, we will use our voices and instruments to perform with different dynamics, tempo and rhythms. 3SB are doing African drumming this half term.
In maths, we are using the skills we have picked up in Autumn 2 to help us to multiply and divide 2-digit by 1- digit numbers and we will solve problems involving measure, statistics as well as working with fractions.
As readers, we will study The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. Our writing will be based on a story we already know: Stone Age Boy.
Through our topic of magnetism in science, we will find out how magnets behave with each other and which materials are magnetic.
Our P4C lessons will focus on the topic of digital poverty. In PSHE, we discuss health and keeping safe.
PE lessons this half term are based on Dance.