Autumn 2
Our Learning in Autumn 2
This half term we have been learning some incredible things!
As writers, we created our own version of the story 'Troll Swap'. We have included sentences using 'and' and 'because', expanded noun phrases as well as capital letters and full stops.
In maths, we have continued to solve a variety of addition and subtraction problems using different methods to solve them. We have also tackled problems involving money and multiplication.
As scientists, we have been studying animals including humans. We have learned about life cycles, discussed the impact of healthy eating and conducted an experiment on the impact of exercise on our health. This has been linked to our PSHE topic of health. We have discussed what we need to keep ourselves healthy, what we can do when we're unwell and who can help us to maintain our health.
We have had a focus on geography this half term. We have learned the names and locations of the 7 continents and 5 oceans. We have also looked at each continent in detail identifying their features. Plus, we have been using globes, maps and atlases to locate the continents and their surrounding oceans.
In art, we have been studying architecture and design by designing and creating a healthy eating poster.
Gymnastics has been the focus of our PE lesson this half term. We have been performing different balances, rolls and movements which will led to us creating a final sequence.
We have loved using the BeeBots in design technology and computing. We have been working out how to correct our errors in coding in computing while we have been creating an input for our Beebots to lead them round a course in DT.
As musicians, we have begun to read music by learning what a crotchet and a quaver are and following them to perform a piece of music with instruments. We have also experimented with our pieces and in singing by changing the dynamics and tempo.
In RE, we have asked the question: how should we care for others and the world and why does it matter? We have read some religious stories to see how people from different faiths would answer this question and formed our own opinions. We have continued to tackle big questions in our P4C sessions too!