Summer 1
Our Learning in Summer 1
This half term in nursery, our overarching theme is 'Our Universe' and our topic is 'Growing'. We have loved exploring this topic so far by taking a trip to the school garden and planting our own sunflower seeds and peas.
In literacy, our main texts are 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' by Eric Carle, 'Errol's Garden' and 'Lola Plants a Garden' by Anna McQuinn. We have been describing the characters in our stories using adjectives and writing the initial sounds in the character's names. We have also created story maps to help us retell the stories that we have learnt.
In maths, we have been recognising and matching numerals to amounts, making and correcting errors in repeating patterns and solving numerical problems within five. We have started to compare sets of numbers by saying which is more or less and we will begin to introduce the concept of 'one more' and 'one less'. We have also been developing our numerical representation using our own marks.
In PSE, we have learnt how to keep our bodies healthy and strong. We have sorted food into healthy and unhealthy foods, learnt about oral health and how to keep our teeth clean and learnt about the effects of exercise on the body.
We have also been very excited to use our outdoor provision. This has allowed us to assess and manage our own risk by climbing on the climbing tree and swinging on the rope swing. The children have developed their confidence in a short space of time and have explored different ways of moving on the climbing equipment. We have also enjoyed performing songs using our voices and musical instruments on the stage.
Here are some pictures of our learning in Summer 1