Spring 2
Our Learning in Spring 2
In our phonics lessons we are consolidating our reading and spelling of Read Write Inc Set 2 words and learning Set 3 sounds and words. We are focusing on accuracy and fluency by using "Fred in Head" and reading our storybooks more than once during the week.
In our Pathways to Write lessons we will be reading The Curious Case of the Missing Mammoth and using this text to inspire our own adventure story. In our writing, we will:
- Join words and clauses using and
- Punctuate sentences using a capital letter and a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark
- Add suffixes where no change is needed to the root of the word e.g. -ed,
-ing, -er, -est
In Maths we will learn how to partition two digit numbers into tens and ones. We are also learning how to compare length and mass of everyday objects.
In Science we are learning about everyday materials. We will learn the terms opaque, transparent, absorbent and waterproof and sort materials according to these properties.
In Geography we are learning about our local environment. We will study local traffic and go on a litter picking walk!
In Art we will look at the work of Pierre Auguste Renoir. We will try to recreate some of his paintings, learning abut colour effects and different brush strokes.
In Design Technology, we will be exploring mechanisms. We will look at wheelbarrows and how they move before using our woodwork and joining skills to make our own mini wheelbarrow.
Our Physical Education lessons will focus on target games and how we can use balls to hit a target. We will perfect overarm and underarm throws as well as developing our rolling skills.
In our Computing lessons we will be learning the skill of 'drag and drop'. We will use different software to pictograms and create pictures..
In Music we will sing a range of songs ahead of our performance at the Royal Exchange Theatre. We will focus on tempo, rhythm and pitch as well as adding our own sound effects to our favourite song "Creepy Castle".
In Religious Education lessons we will learn about special places for different religions. We will explore the features of these places and what they mean to different people.
In our PSHE lessons we will be looking at goals and ambitions. We will set ourselves targets and set action pans for achieving these targets.
In our P4C lessons we will look at 'friends' and discuss what makes a good friend and answer the question "can you be friends with people who are different from you?"