Spring 1
Our Learning in Spring 1
Spring One in Year Two is an exciting place to be!
In writing, we discovered a dragon egg in 2ST! This, we think, has something to do with our writing of a narrative about the story 'The Dragon Machine'. We will be using different sentence types: statement, command, exclamation and question- including appropriate punctuation (exclamation and question marks).
In Maths we have been learning about multiplication and division. We are looking at measuring length and height and properties of 2D and 3D shapes.
As scientists, we are learning about materials and their properties. We will be able to explain why certain materials are chosen for certain uses. We will enjoy being silly suggesting materials that wouldn't be suitable for certain uses and why. We will investigate which material would be best to build a bridge out of and explain why.
In History we are looking at the significance of various explorers from the past. We will find out why they are famous and what they are remembered for. We will look at their similarities and differences and how this relates to when they were around. .
As artists, we will be working with us whilst we explore sculpture and the media of clay. We will be creating our own sculptures of the human body inspired by the work of Henry Moore.
In Design Technology we will be building photo frames. We will analyse existing photo frames in order to come up with a design brief. We will practise measuring, sawing and gluing in order to create our photo frames. We will take photos in the style of Hamza Yassin. We will evaluate our designs.
Our Physical Education lessons will focus on target games. We will learn how to throw and roll an object towards a target thinking about aiming accurately and the weight of our throws. We will learn the rules of skittles and French boules and develop understanding of tactics engaging in competitive games with our classmates.
In our Computing lessons we will be learning to create, save and change scenes made with objects. We will develop our research skills by searching websites using buttons, menus or an index/contents. We will practise our typing skills learning to use backspace and delete appropriately.
As musicians, we will sing a range of songs and learn about Reggae music. We will continue to develop our understanding of pulse, tempo and rhythm. We will practise playing a variety of ostinato rhythms.
In Religious Education lessons, we will learn about caring and why it matters. We will explore this concept through Bible stories such as the Good Samaritan and the Twelve Disciples. We will think about what different religions say about caring for others and consider the religious figure of Mother Theresa in relation to caring.
Our PSHE lessons our topic is Building Character. We will think about the idea that everyone is special and unique, celebrating our similarities and differences. We will think about rewards, goals, ambition and purpose. We will discuss ways to show determination.
Here are some pictures of our learning in Spring 1