Summer 2
Our Learning in Summer 2
In Summer 2 we have lots of fun and exciting things planned!
Firstly, we have our Phonics Screening Check where we will apply our knowledge of reading to decode real and alien words. We will continue using our Read Write Inc scheme to help us succeed and become fluent readers. We will become proficient in using our ‘Fred talk’ strategy to sound out and spell new words.
In our Pathways to Write lessons we will be taking inspiration from the text "Goldilocks and just the one Bear". We will use the mastery skills below to retell the story in our own words, innovating the story by changing a charcater or setting.
Mastery skills:
• Join words and clauses using and
• Use simple description
• Sequence sentences to form short narratives (link ideas or events by pronouns)
• Use a capital letter for places and days of the week
• Punctuate sentences using a capital letters, full stop, question mark or exclamation mark
In Maths we will be looking at numbers from 0-100. We will be counting, comparing and ordering to deepen our understanding of numbers. We will start partitioning numbers using tens and ones, supported by tens frames, arrays and number lines. Then, we will learn different methods of making number bonds to 100.
As Scientists, we will be learning about the seasons. We will go on a seasonal walk to observe signs of summer and draw pictures of these. Furthermore, we will be comparing the differences between the seasons and discussing how plants change due to differences in temperature, weather and light. We will even perform our own weather reports for our class!
In Geography, we will be learning about different types of maps. We will look at how maps use keys and look at local area maps and landmarks. We will make our own maps of our classrooms using keys and directional language.
In PE, we will be learning to play table tennis! We will be learning the foundational skills such as holding a table tennis bat correctly, using a table tennis table and beginning to develop forehand and backhand skills.
In Music, we will be developing our understanding of dynamics and tempo through listening to different songs and playing a variety of percussion instruments.
In Design Technology, we will be learning that control technology means when you input or do something, there is an outcome. We will look at control technology around school such as door buzzers and make our own control technology using buzzers!
In Art, we will be learning to be sculptors, just like Andy Goldsworthy! We will venture outdoors and collect natural materials and create our own 2D and 3D sculptures! In order to make 3D sculptures, we will use different methods to join and assemble our materials. We will have lots of fun making 2D self-portraits with materials too!
In PSHE we will be learning all about money! We will talk about different jobs that people do and ways that you can earn money. We will discuss the cost of household items and how to save and spend money. By looking at different coins and notes, we will learn about currency and making different amounts.
In our Computing lessons this half term, we will begin by learning about how to keep ourselves safe online. We will then identify electronic devices in our home and classroom. We will use Beebots and programme them with instructions of how to move.