Spring 1
Our Learning in Spring 1
In Spring our overarching theme is 'Once Upon a Time...'. In Spring 1 our theme is 'Twisted Tales'. Twisted Tales are traditional tales with a modern spin. We are reading lots of twisted and traditional tales but our main focus texts are The Foggy, Foggy Forest, Trust me Jack's Beanstalk Stinks, Little Red and Mr. Wolf's Pancakes. The children become very familiar with these stories and practice retelling the stories, acting them out, creating story maps and producing their own written outcomes.
As part of this half term the children have two immersive days. The first is a Knowledge and Understanding the World focus based on the Three Little Pigs. The children have the opportunity to design their own house, go on a local walk looking at the different houses and geographical features of the area for example roads and crossing. Then the day has a D.T. aspect of building a house of either straw, stick or brick. The second immersive day had an Expressive Art and Design focus in which the children were invited to come and dress as their favourite fairy tale character. We then look at our key person Nick Sharratt who is an author illustrator and the have the opportunity to draw their character, this is then pastelled and collaged to finish.
In our other areas of learning we will also be learning to name different feelings and how our actions can effect others, investigating different types of materials and sorting them based on their properties, practicing our letter formation, learning to throw and objects outside, learning new songs and putting actions and movements to some our current favourites.
Here are some pictures of our learning in Spring 1