Spring 1
Our Learning in Spring 1
This half term, Year 6 will be continuing to progress through Power Maths Textbook 6B, with a focus on geometry, measure (including imperial units) and ratio. In English, we are writing a innovated version of The Selfish Giant, using high-level punctuation and formality to influence the reader's opinion. Our reading sessions will also use stories from Oscar Wilde to develop the pupils' inference, comparison and language choice skills.
As we approach the summer transition period, our foundation subjects teach pupils a range of skills to prepare them for secondary school. In science, we are using our knowledge of the human body to investigate the effect of lifestyle choices. Computing will teach children key ICT skills such as data processing and CAD techniques. PSHE covers living in the wider world and how the world around influences our decision-making, while P4C explores the concept of new beginnings. The highlight is design & technology; we will be learning how to cook a balanced, three-course meal, including a baking recipe from Bake Off's Mary Berry!
History and geography both feature and focus on North America; history through the topic of slavery, and geography through the physical and human geography of the United States of America. In music, we will expand our keyboard-playing repertoire to include identifying and playing chords in the 12 bar blues. Art moves on to architectural drawings and their relationship with the construction of modern buildings.
Our modern foreign language remains as Spanish, where we will learn to say specific times of the day, and to use these to describe when lessons and meals take place in a day. RE also continues from last half term, as we ask ourselves how best to express faith: amazing art or giving generously? PE, which is indoors this half term, is badminton: building up to holding full games with a wide range of offensive and defensive shots.
Here are some pictures of our learning in Spring 1