Summer 1
Our Learning in Summer 1
In the summer one half-term, we have some very exciting topics. In D/T, we are looking at building our very own orrery. We are going to be building model of the sun and earth using technical lego. For our history unit of work, we are comparing a similar period of history but moving from Britain to Baghdad. We are looking at the Golden Age of Islam. This leads us to our geography topic of The Globe. We are studying a variety of different countries, climates and biomes.
One of our most exciting topics this term is science. In science, we will be looking into space. We are looking forward to our Wonderdome workshop, bringing the marvels of the universe to our very own St Margaret’s. Our music topic for this half-term is keyboards. Learning a musical instrument is extremely fun and something that we will continue into Year 6.
In PSHE we are looking at changes to our body, in PE we are enjoying athletics. We are also using P4C to link many of our subjects by choosing a different stimulus each week that encourages the children to discuss different elements of our exciting curriculum.
For English this half-term we will be looking at myths, poetry and a diary recount.. We are continuing with Power Maths, moving to textbook 5C in which we will be studying topics such as decimals, geometry and shape and measure.
Here are some pictures of our learning in Summer 1