Spring 2
Our Learning in Spring 2
Here are some pictures of our learning in Spring 2
In the spring two half-term, we have some very exciting topics. In D/T, we will be looking at designing our own ice breaker ship using CAD. For our history unit of work, we are continuing on in British history looking at the Battle of Hastings and the Battle of Stamford Bridge. We looked at a peninsula country of Norway for our geography lessons.
In science, we will be looking at reproduction in animals and plants. This is very exciting as we have learnt about life cycles in spring one. Our music topic for this half-term is beats and rhythm. This will help us when we learn the keyboards next half term.
In PSHE we are looking mental health and how to stay healthy. In PE we are enjoying tennis. We are excited for some PE teachers from Chortlon High South to join us. We are also using P4C to link many of our subjects by choosing a different stimulus each week that encourages the children to discuss different elements of our exciting curriculum.
For English this half-term we will be joining the wizarding world. We shall join the ranks of Harry Potter and marvel in its rich novels. We are continuing with Power Maths with book 5B. This will be a real challenge as we continue to improve our fraction knowledge.