Spring 1
Our Learning in Spring 1
In our phonics lessons we are consolidating our reading and spelling of Read Write Inc Set 2 words and learning Set 3 sounds and words. We are focusing on accuracy and fluency by using "Fred in Head" and reading our storybooks more than once during the week.
In our Pathways to Write lessons we will be reading The Lion Inside and using this text to inspire our own animal story. In our writing, we will:
- Punctuate sentences using a capital letter and a full stop, some question marks and exclamation marks
- Join words and clauses using and
- Some accurate use of the prefix un-
- Add suffixes where no change is needed to the root of the word e.g. -ed, -ing, -er, -est
In Maths we will continue to learn different strategies to solve addition and subtraction calculations and word problems. We are doing this with numbers up to 20. We are also learning how to write calculations with +, -, =, <, > signs.
In Science we are learning about everyday materials. We will name and sort materials and will explain why materials are chosen for different uses. We will learn about how plastic and paper are recycled. We look forward to making our own recycled paper!
In History we are learning about our local park, Alexandra Park. We will learn about its opening in 1870 by Queen Alexandra. We will compare how popular activities in the park during the Victorian times have changed.
In Art we will look at the architecture and design of houses. We will compare the types and features of different houses and make observational drawings of houses around school. We will name and describe the different materials used to build houses. We will design our own 'Dream House'.
In Design Technology we will learn how Chinese New Year is celebrated by making dragon models. We will investigate how the dragon puppet moves when it 'dances'. We will design, make and evaluate our own dragons made from recycled materials.
Our Physical Education lessons will focus on dance and movement. We will create and perform a Chinese New Year Dragon Dance. We look forward to a Chinese Dance workshop where we will take part in dances using dragon and lion puppets, fans and parasols.
In our Computing lessons we will be learning the skill of 'drag and drop'. We will use different software to create music and pictures with different tools. We will continue to learn about online safety and how to log on with our own usernames and passwords.
In Music we will sing a range of songs and listen to classical and modern music. We will continue to learn about pulse, tempo and rhythm. We will describe the materials that our percussion instruments are made from and compare the sounds they make. We will learn how to play an ostinato.
In Religious Education lessons we will learn about Christians and what they believe. We will be learning about God, Jesus, prayer and messages taught in Bible stories. We will compare similar themes in different religions.
In our PSHE lessons we will be discussing class rules, rule of law, democracy and how we can promote British values. We will be discussing our local environment, Manchester and England.
In our P4C lessons we will look at 'new beginnings' by discussing why people make resolutions and we will be thinking about the past and the future.