Autumn 2
Our Learning in Autumn 2
In the autumn two half term, we have some very exciting topics. In D/T, we are looking at terrariums and extremely excited to be designing and building our very own, which we can take home for the next holiday period.
For our history unit of work, we are continuing from the Scots by studying the Anglo- Saxons and their invasion of Britain. This leads us to our geography topic of weather phenomena.
In science, we will be studying materials and their properties: dissolving. This topic gives us lots of opportunities to plan and carry out our own experiments. A really hands on and practical science topic. Our music topic for this half term is singing and different pitches. In computing, we will be learning to use Sketch Up for 3D modelling of an Anglo- Saxon house.
In PSHE we are looking at building character, in PE we are learning all about orienteering and map reading skills. We are also using P4C to link many of our subjects by choosing a different stimulus each week that encourages the children to discuss different elements of our exciting curriculum.
For English this half term we will be looking at a variety of texts and stimulus. 'The Lost Happy Endings’ by Carol Ann Duffy being one of our favourites. We are continuing with Power Maths, in which we will be studying topics such as multiplication and division.
Here are some pictures of our learning in Autumn 2