Autumn 1
Our Learning in Autumn 1
In the autumn one half-term, we have some very exciting topics. In D/T, we are starting to knit. We are aiming to knit a woolly hat for a puppet. This is a tricky skill to master but keep an eye out on Twitter for updates. For our history unit of work, we are focusing on Scotland and the withdrawal of the Roman Empire from Britain. This leads us to our geography topic of Scotland where we are looking at land uses and national parks. We will be using our skills learnt in geography to help us understand the history of Scotland. We will be heading to Delmamere forest to help our understanding of forests and national parks.
In science we are looking at the properties of materials and carrying out many experiments which will help us to work scientifically. Our music topic for this half-term is percussion instruments. Learning a musical instrument is extremely fun and something that we will continue into Year 6. Many of our children are also taking part in violin and steel pans.
In PSHE we are looking at personal development with topics such as self- esteem and personal growth. We are also using P4C to link many of our subjects by choosing a different stimulus each week that encourages the children to discuss different elements of our exciting curriculum.
For English and reading this half-term we are using an exciting new scheme. Pathways is brand new and proving some great texts and resources that the children have got really stuck into. We are continuing with Power Maths, moving to textbook 5A in which we will be studying topics such as addition and subtraction and place value.
Here are some pictures of our learning in Autumn 1