Spring 2
Our Learning in Spring 2
Our theme for Spring 2 is 'Once Upon a Time...' with our focus on ‘moral’ tales, these are stories that have a message to be learnt from them. Our first text is Billy and the Beast which is about standing up and looking out for your friends. Our next book's the ‘Bear and the Piano’ by David Litchfield, this taught the importance of family and having people who believe in you. Finally we looked at ‘My Monster and Me’ by Nadiya Hussain, this helps to understand how talking about our feelings can help if we are feeling sad or anxious. As part of our Expressive Art and Design work we look at Julia Donaldson's 'What the Ladybird Heard' in order to design and make our own clay ladybirds.
In the Spring term we were very lucky to have had the chicks from year 5 come to visit us, we celebrated both World Book Day and Red Nose Day. Just before we broke up for Easter we had a visit from Phoebe the bunny and the Easter Bunny who delivered us eggs. We then were able to have an Easter egg hunt!
Here are some pictures of our learning in Spring 2