Autumn 2
Our Learning in Autumn 2
In this half term, Year 6 will progress through units on calculation and co-ordinates completing Power Maths Textbook 6A. We will also cover the FDP and algebra units of Textbook 6B before Christmas. In English, we are reading a retelling of the Jungle Book, which links to our writing on highlighting an endangered species. Our other writing pieces are on expressive poetry and traditional tales, using The Matchstick Girl as a focus.
Benin continues in history, as we learn more about the structure of society in the Benin Kingdom and the events that led to its demise. In art, the children will learn about and create their own Abomey applique patchwork quilts. Geography also continues to look at Benin: we will cover the range of biodiversity in desert biomes found in North America.
There is an active element to multiple subjects that will keep us warm in winter! PE takes us outdoors to learn orienteering: map work, compass directions and navigation. For DT, the children have been tasked with designing a model bicycle from Lego, with working steering and gear train mechanisms. Science covers the circulatory system and its importance to the human body. PSHE brings all of the above learning together with activities focused on healthy lifestyle choices and the effects they have on our minds and bodies.
Computing is the subject that we have been looking forward to the most - we will learn to code Pac-Man style games from scratch, in Scratch! For Spanish, we will build on our vocabulary of number, family and weather, before learning Christmas traditions in Spanish-speaking countries. P4C asks questions about our stewardship of the environment, and how we treat the living things around us.
In music, the children will develop their keyboard-playing skills by learning to read a stave and play from musical notation. In RE, we will finish our unit on religion's views on death in late November; the next unit, which concerns whether art and architecture or charity and generosity are the best ways to show faith, will run across the autumn and spring term.
Here are some pictures of our learning in Autumn 2